At Kinderley Primary we aim to:
promote behaviour that cultivates and supports a positive learning culture in which children can succeed and excel
promote the personal, social, moral and emotional development of each child
all children will behave well, in a way that supports their own learning and others
children must be aware of what is expected of them
problems will be dealt with consistently and fairly
all staff are responsible for being good role models and in encouraging responsible behaviour from all children at all times
strategies for promoting good behaviour and for dealing with unacceptable behaviour must be consistent throughout the school
Our Agreed Approach:
the school has agreed rules and high expectations
to support children in meeting these expectations, we will teach and explain what behaviour that facilitates learning looks like at Kinderley through positive classroom management and communication
the consequences of good and unacceptable behaviour will be clearly explained and consistently implemented
good behaviour will be recognised
unacceptable behaviour will always be followed up
the home school agreement will provide a partnership agreement between the school and the pupil and the school and parents, enabling us to work together to promote positive behaviour.
School Rules:
Be safe
Be kind
Be respectful
Always try your best
Celebrating Good Behaviour:
We believe making good choices brings its own rewards and encourage children to foster this attitude. Adults in the school will notice and praise good behaviour everywhere in the school and children are encouraged to do the same. In addition to smiles and verbal praise, children may also receive team points, stickers, star of the week or a headteacher award, in recognition of particularly or consistently high standards of behaviour
Dealing with Unacceptable Behaviour:
If someone is choosing not to follow the school or class rules at any point during a lesson, staff follow a clear procedure, based on providing choices and consequences while causing minimal disruption to the rest of the class’ learning:
Ignore ‘low level’ unacceptable behaviour while providing verbal reminders of the behaviour that is expected at this moment, praising examples of good behaviour nearby.
If the child continues to ignore instructions, they should receive an individual warning, and a reminder that further disruption will lead to reflection time. At this point, it may be suitable to introduce preventative measures, such as moving the child to a different seat.
If they continue to choose to not follow the rules, they will be ‘put onto red’. At this point, the child will be issued with a 10 minute reflection period. When children have their first or second reflection in a half term, they will do it will the class teacher. This can be at break or lunchtime as appropriate. During reflection, the member of staff will discuss the behaviours, how they can be improved and the pupil will complete a reflection sheet.
A third reflection in a half term will mean visiting the headteacher’s office at lunchtime. Reflection will be for 10 mins and children will be encouraged to complete a reflection sheet. If there is a situation in which reflections are ‘built up,’ multiples of 10 minutes can also be awarded.
Teachers will log reflections. This will allow for meaningful analysis of behaviour.
Three reflections within a half term will result in parents being contacted so that they can work with the school and their child to bring about improvements.
For those children who are demonstrating persistently challenging behaviour that is negatively impacting their own or other’s learning a behaviour improvement plan will be developed.
For pupils with specifically identified needs, the teacher should follow the identified approaches suitable for that child as identified in their risk reduction plans or personal support plans, alongside or in place of the approach outlined above. These approaches should be known to any staff working with that child.
In rare cases, it may be necessary for teachers to to use reasonable force to prevent pupils committing an offence, injuring themselves or others, or damaging property, and to maintain good order and discipline in the classroom. This will be recorded and parents will be informed if reasonable force is used.
Excluding a child is always the last resort and will be avoided where at all possible. Only the Headteacher (or the acting Headteacher) has the power to exclude a child from school.