PE & Sport
We are following the Rising Stars 'Champions' PE Scheme.
Intended Aims
Kinderley Primary School understands that physical education (PE) makes a vital contribution to physical, cognitive, social and emotional development. PE is an integral part of the curriculum to be enjoyed by all children. It is a real opportunity for both teachers and children to consolidate and work on the values that underpin every aspect of school life.
It is the intention of the school to provide a broad and balanced PE curriculum to aid and increase children’s self-confidence in relation to their ability to communicate with other and to manage themselves and their bodies within a variety of movement situations.
The aim is to ensure that different strengths, needs and preferences of each child are catered for during PE lessons. This will be achieved by ensuring that differentiated activities are provided for children to be able to access all activities. Through the variety of opportunities that PE offers, children can develop a sense of personal achievement, resilience, determination to achieve their goals, teamwork and an understanding of the ways in which sport can transcend social and cultural boundaries. A range of activities will therefore be provided with a broad base of movement knowledge, skills and understanding, which children can refine and expand throughout their primary school years.
The school will provide opportunities for staff and pupils to work with PE specialists and coaches. This will be to improve the experience for pupils during their PE lessons. It will also help the teachers to improve their expertise to enable them to provide quality PE sessions to the pupils.
How will we do it?
· Within the Butterflies and Caterpillars, there will be opportunities for children to be active and to develop their coordination, control and movement through moving and handling activities. Structured lessons and opportunities for outdoor physical activity will last at 1 hour each week.
All children, in both KS1 and KS2, will engage in high quality PE each week. Throughout KS1, the curriculum focuses on fundamental movement skills to develop agility, balance and coordination. Curriculum content includes ball skills and team games, gymnastic and dance activities. In KS2, pupils will continue to develop skills and they will also work on different units of work, which include a range of invasion, net/wall, and fielding and striking games, gymnastics, dance, athletics and swimming. Children’s experiences will also be enriched through opportunities for outdoor and adventurous activities. All KS1 and KS2 children will have 10 swimming lessons throughout the year