The Arts
Artsmark Gold Award
We were awarded the Artsmark Gold award in 2019
Here are a few of the things the Arts council England said about our school…
“being a small, rural school, as well as encountering several other barriers along the way, your school is evidently highly committed to delivering an arts-rich curriculum and you have afforded your pupils some exciting opportunities over your Artsmark journey which have had the effect of boosting their confidence and self-esteem.”
“Music and singing are a strength, with all children having the chance to receive free instrumental tuition and to participate in the school choir which has performed at ‘SingFest’.”
“This project provided staff with high quality, external professional development, which developed their skills and confidence; and introduced your pupils to a new genre of music – opera.”
“This project, as well as others involving the school choir, have successfully raised the profile of the Arts within the Kinderley school community, engaging children and increasing parental participation through seeing their children perform at the Arts Centre, along with children from other schools.”
“How exciting for the children to have the chance to record their singing as part of the ‘Sing for your School’ competition and have their composition uploaded onto the local radio station’s website so that it could be enjoyed by the local community …fantastic!”
“Pupils have worked with an array of other arts professionals, including an artist, and author , an illustrator and story-tellers, and visited cultural organisations, both as part of the school’s curriculum entitlement and through special projects, such as the Wisbech Reads Festival”