Early Years Foundation Stage
Kinderley School accepts children into our Early Years Foundation Stage from the age of 2 years 10 months old. We have a separate building on the school grounds where our children thrive in their learning and development through play and the support of our qualified, caring staff. We have an extensive outdoor environment that is currently under development.
Our Early Years Foundation Stage children join the rest of the school for lunchtime in the main school hall, followed by their playtime in the school playground or on the field. The children also join the rest of the school for Celebration Assembly on a Friday morning.
All 3 and 4 year olds are entitled to 15 hours a week of free early learning from the term following their third birthday. Some 2 year olds are also eligible for 15 hours a week of free early learning. Subject to available places we offer fee paying places for 2 year olds not eligible for a free place. 30 hour funded places are also available for eligible 3-4 year olds. We offer spaces for the youngest children (2 years 10 month olds) for the afternoon from 12 noon to 3pm.
Please contact us on: 01945 870374 or office@kinderely.cambs.sch.uk for more information.
If you wish to apply to our Early Years Foundation Stage which offers provision for children who are not yet of statutory age, you must complete the Council’s Parent/Carer declaration form which is available by clicking here, or requesting a form from the school office, or the Early Years Funding team.
Things to do with your under 5s:
50 Things To Do Before You’re Five gives you 50 activities that parents and carers can support their children to try out and repeat. Each of the 50 Things have been carefully developed by education experts and early years practitioners following consultation with parents, and we’ve made sure that children with special education needs are included and that each of the 50 Things means something across our culturally diverse communities. Download the app from their website: https://cambspboro.50thingstodo.org/app/os#!/welcome